Realizing her strength, Angel refused to let cancer win!

Angel refused to let cancer win! Angel went to the doctor at 53 when she began experiencing increased shortness of breath during exercise and while climbing stairs.

“I felt I was in good health,” she recalls. When the doctor suggested that the discomfort in Angel’s chest was probably heartburn or indigestion, Angel wasn’t convinced. Finally, her doctor reluctantly agreed to a chest X-ray.

Analysis revealed Angel had a mass in her chest. Unsure of what she was dealing with, Angel came to Dana-Farber for a biopsy. The diagnosis was stunning: monophasic synovial sarcoma.

“My immediate reaction was, ‘I guess I’m going to be wearing a wig at my daughter’s wedding, Angel recalls. “I was in shock. I wasn’t crying.” The head of Dana-Farber’s sarcoma team carefully walked Angel through her options, but ultimately recommended chemotherapy to shrink the tumor before scheduling surgery to remove it.

Treatment took its toll on Angel. But now, two years cancer-free, she’s also more resilient: “You realize how much strength you really have,” she says. “I no longer let people take advantage of me.”

“If it wasn’t for Dana-Farber and their team of specialists, I would not be here,” Angel says. “Please help yourself and others who may need this research done today for our future tomorrow.”
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